Free Anodize Classes designed for the manager or owner who wants to learn about putting in an anodizing system. A quick study of 11 anodize lessons sent to your e-mail daily.
We have what it takes to help you with your anodizing project
Some customers have small parts and only do small quantities of parts, but because of the lead times, shipping costs or quality issues, they consider buying a small anodizing system to do their work. We can also provide these small anodizing systems if those are right for your needs. Most of our ...
Over a number of years, Southwest United Industries in Tulsa, Oklahoma has successfully heated many process chemistries using Thermax2 heat exchangers driven by steam. But it was a troublesome cooling application that recently has brought United their greatest satisfaction with Thermax2 . Southwest was experiencing failures of 316L stainless steel coils in their 12% hard ...
Adding Chemfilm Processing to Your Facility If you are thinking about adding a process line to your facility to do chemfilm, most of the articles, classes and information presented by this website are applicable to the chemfilm process, also known as chromate conversion coating or Alodine. This process is usually guided by MIL-DTL-5541 or AMS-2473, and the pre-process operations, such as the cleaner, ...
Anodizing Kits Many of the people who happen onto one of our websites looking for anodizing or plating equipment are really more interested in very small "anodizing kits" rather than the larger anodizing lines that we usually design and build. Many of them will then ask us what the differences are between the anodizing kits and ...
How to Anodize Aluminum We are often asked for a general description of the process steps to define how to anodize aluminum. Here is an overview of what a typical industrial aluminum anodizing line would involve. Note that we are assuming the parts have already been thoroughly cleaned, masked and rack-mounted prior to the chemical processing done here.